Gyms near Birmingham Kings Heath
Find a gym to join near Kings Heath
Whether you want to lose weight, bulk up, or simply improve your fitness and meet new people, our low cost monthly gyms near Kings Heath have the kit and the classes to help you achieve your goals.
Choose from one of our contract free memberships for 24/7 access to the gym and over 50+ classes each week included in your membership.
Our gyms near Birmingham Kings Heath
All gyms equipped with high quality kitLoading gyms
Open 24 hours
Free parking
Chaplin Court, B5 4TD
From £21.99 per month + £10 joining fee
1059-1061 Alcester Road South, B14 5TN
From £20.99 per month + £15 joining fee
What makes our gyms great?
We have designed our gyms around the things that matter most to our members:
- 2 Gyms near Kings Heath
- Open 24/7
- No contract - leave when you want
- Low monthly cost
- Over 220+ bits of gym kit
- Access to over 50+ classes a week

Close to work or home, we've got you covered