Wrist Extensions
What Is A Wrist Extension?

Wrist extensions are an isolation exercise that strengthen the forearm muscles that flex the wrist into position for holding weights.
Forearm exercises including wrist extensions are an important part of arm training. Not only do these exercises balance the size of your arms, they allow you to hold heavier weights for longer periods of time. If grip or forearm strength is a limiting factor in your pull ups or back workouts wrist extensions will help build grip endurance.
Wrist extensions isolate the extensor carpi radialis longus, extensor carpi radialis brevis, and extensor carpi ulnaris muscles in the top of the forearm. These muscles pull the hand towards the arm and help you maintain a closed fist when holding a weight. Training these forearm muscles will directly translate into being able to lift heavier weights and delaying fatigue in grip-dominant exercises like pull ups.
When you start doing wrist extensions regularly you will find you can lift heavier weights for longer without having to rely on wrist straps. Add forearm and grip training into your workouts 1-3 times a week to build your arms, improve your strength, and help guard against wrist injuries in daily life.
Like wrist curls, all you need to perform wrist extensions is a bench and two dumbbells. Master the technique of this important grip and forearm exercise with our guide below.
Check out some other forearm and grip exercises: Farmers Walk, Plate Pinch, Wrist Curls
Commonly Asked Questions About Wrist Extensions
Wrist flexion and extension refers to the two parts of the movement of your wrist. Flexion is when your palm is pulling towards your arm, with the back of your wrist stretched. Extension is when the wrist bends backwards, with the back of your hand pulling towards your body. Wrist extension is an important hand position for weight bearing exercises.
It's important to train wrist extension as well as wrist flexion so you develop strength in all the muscles of the forearms. Stronger forearm muscles will allow you to hold onto heavier weights for longer in other exercises like barbell rows, deadlifts, and pull ups.
There are two main muscles involved in wrist extension, the extensor carpi radialis longus and extensor carpi radialis brevis. The smaller muscles of the extensor carpi ulnaris and extensor digitorum also play a role in wrist extension.
Wrist Extensions Tips
Use light dumbbells and aim for high (15-20) reps with good technique and control.
Perform wrist extensions with a slow tempo to maximise time under tension.
Focus on squeezing your forearms rather than making this a big movement.
How To Do Wrist Extensions
Hold a dumbbell in each hand and kneel behind a flat bench with your forearms resting on the pad.
Your hands should be over the front of the bench, with your palms facing down.
Allow your wrists to curl down until you feel a slight stretch in the tops of your forearms, then squeeze your forearms and flex your wrists to bring your knuckles towards your body.
Hold at this top position then lower back to the start slowly.
Repeat for your desired reps.
If you’re not sure if any of the above exercises are suitable for you, please consult your doctor before you start it. Need guidance on how to perform the exercise? Ask a personal trainer at your gym.