Pure Gym Limited

Gorilla Rows

What Is A Gorilla Row?

Gorilla Rows

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Gorilla rows are a unilateral row exercise that isolates the muscles of the middle and upper back by keeping the torso still throughout the movement. Gorilla rows are typically performed with kettlebells rather than dumbbells, with one kettlebell always resting on the ground so you can stabilise your upper body in the correct position.

Gorilla rows are an unusual back exercise with a long history in bodybuilding. This row variation strengthens the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and rear deltoids, as well as the biceps, forearms and core. It also helps to improve hip and hamstring mobility and lower body stability.

Gorilla rows are a great way to add variety to your back workouts. The number of muscles recruited make them a great choice for building the core as you focus on back mass and strength, and they're also useful if you struggle with lower back issues. During gorilla rows, you will stabilise yourself on the non-working arm which can reduce the amount of tension going through your lower back.

Another benefit of gorilla rows is that they are a unilateral exercise, which will help develop balanced muscle mass and address any strength imbalances. The position of the torso means that gorilla rows target the upper back muscles from a different angle to other row exercises, leading to well-rounded back development.

Try adding gorilla rows into back workouts or full body sessions, and is a good accessory exercise after your main compound movements like bent over rows or pull-ups.

Check out some other row exercises: Barbell Bent Over Row, Dumbbell Bent Over Row, Incline Row, Renegade Row

Commonly Asked Questions About Gorilla Rows

Which Muscles Do Gorilla Rows Work?

Gorilla rows are a back exercise, and primarily work the latissimus dorsi, rhomboids, and rear deltoids. However, the angle of gorilla rows means they also work the lower back and core, as well as the forearms, and can contribute to improved lower body mobility.

What Are The Benefits Of Gorilla Rows?

Gorilla rows are a unilateral rowing exercise which helps you address muscle imbalances and develop the weaker side of your body. They also have the benefit of being a supported row, which is useful if you experience lower back pain during unsupported rows.

Gorilla Rows Vs Bent Over Rows?

Gorilla rows are similar to bent over rows but have two important distinctions. Gorilla rows are a unilateral exercise, where you will work one arm at a time. Bent over rows work both sides at the same time. Gorilla rows are also supported, because you rest the kettlebell of the non-working arm on the ground. Bent over rows are unsupported which can be harder on the lower back.

What Are Alternatives To Gorilla Rows?

Good alternatives to gorilla rows including renegade rows (another unilateral rowing exercise) or chest supported bent over rows.

Gorilla Rows Tips

  • Brace your core and glutes to protect your lower back during this exercise.

  • Keep your torso straight as you row the kettlebell up and down, with your chest up rather than collapsing through the back.

  • If you find you are moving your upper body, use lighter kettlebells.

  • Bring your elbow into your ribs as you row the kettlebell to your body.

How To Do Gorilla Rows

  1. Place a pair of kettlebells on the ground in front of your feet.

  2. Hinge at the hips and put a slight bend in your legs so you can reach the kettlebells with straight arms.

  3. Brace your core and glutes to keep your torso straight as you row one kettlebell in towards your ribs.

  4. Keep hold of the kettlebell on the ground and use it to stabilise yourself.

  5. Start the next rep when the kettlebell has reached the ground.

  6. Alternate reps between left and right.

If you’re not sure if any of the above exercises are suitable for you, please consult your doctor before you start it. Need guidance on how to perform the exercise? Ask a personal trainer at your gym.