Pure Gym Limited

Burpee To Tuck Jump

What Is A Burpee To Tuck Jump?

Burpee To Tuck Jump

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Burpee to tuck jumps combine the full body burpee with a tuck jump for a challenging plyometric exercise that builds lower body speed and power, boosts cardio fitness, and works your agility.

The combination of burpee and tuck jump has a lot of strength and fitness benefits. Burpee tuck jumps are hard work but will improve your cardio fitness and endurance, burn calories, and work almost every muscle group in the body. Burpee tuck jumps particularly engage the legs, glutes, hips, and core, and trains the body to be more explosive and powerful. Performing this burpee variation regularly will help with strength and power, improving your compound lifts and sports performance.

Burpee tuck jumps are an advanced plyometric exercise that can be used in any conditioning session, as a finisher on leg day, or as a time-efficient way to raise your heart rate in place of cardio. They share some similarities with burpee broad jumps, but burpee tuck jumps work your vertical explosive power. If you don't have space for burpee broad jumps but still want to work on your agility, burpee tuck jumps would be a good choice.

As with all plyometric exercises, proper form is vital, so be sure to check out our tips and demo video. If you're new to burpee tuck jumps, get confident with regular burpees and tuck jumps separately before combining them.

Check out some other burpee variations: Burpee, Half Burpee, One Legged Burpee, Burpee With Dumbbells, Devil's Press, Burpee Broad Jump

Commonly Asked Questions About Burpee To Tuck Jumps

What Is A Burpee Tuck Jump?

A burpee tuck jump combines a regular burpee with a tuck jump. As you stand up from the burpee, you jump up high and tuck your knees in towards your chest during the vertical jump.

What Are Tuck Jumps Good For?

Tuck jumps are a plyometric exercise that is good for cardio fitness, calorie burning, building explosive power, and working the muscles of the legs, glutes, hips, and core.

Why Are Tuck Jumps So Hard?

Tuck jumps are a challenging exercise because you need to do a powerful vertical jump and bring your knees in towards your chest during the jump, in addition to a burpee which is already challenging.

Burpee To Tuck Jump Tips

  • Perform burpee tuck jumps in one fluid movement, combining the end of the burpee with the start of the jump.

  • Jump as high as you can to give yourself time for the tuck jump.

  • Land from the jump in a squat position with knees bent.

How To Do A Burpee To Tuck Jump

  1. Stand with your feet hip width apart, hands by your sides.

  2. Hinge at the hips to place your hands on the floor in front of your feet, then kick your feet back into a plank position.

  3. Bend your elbows to lower your body to the floor, then push back up.

  4. Jump both feet in towards your hands and drive through the feet to stand up with knees slightly bent.

  5. As you stand, perform a vertical jump and tuck both knees in towards your chest.

  6. Land softly with bent knees.

  7. Repeat from step 2, dropping into your next rep.

If you’re not sure if any of the above exercises are suitable for you, please consult your doctor before you start it. Need guidance on how to perform the exercise? Ask a personal trainer at your gym.