Pure Gym Limited

Half Burpee

What Is A Half Burpee?

Half Burpee

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Half burpees are a modified version of burpees that remove the middle part where you lower down to the floor and push yourself back up to a plank position.

Half burpees are still a challenging full-body exercise, but removing the press up means they are slightly easier than full burpees. The half burpee is a good option to use if you can't do a full burpee, if you are fatigued, or if you simply need an easier version.

Half burpees are a full-body exercise that works the muscles of your chest, shoulders, arms, core, glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings, plus your upper back. They are also a good cardiovascular exercise to boost your fitness and burn fat.

Half burpees are also known as down ups, because they involve getting down on the floor and back up again. Half burpees start like a full burpee, but instead of lowering to the floor completely, you remain in a plank position as you send your legs out behind you and bring them back under your body in a tucked position.

Half burpees can be added to lots of different styles of workout, from a full-body session, to a bodyweight circuit, or a cardio conditioning finisher. If you are new to doing burpees or are building up your strength and fitness, you could do half burpees as a way to build the endurance needed for burpees.

Learn proper half burpee form with our tips and technique video below.

Check out some other burpee variations: Burpees, One Legged Burpee, Burpee With Dumbbells, Devil's Press, Burpee Broad Jump, Burpee To Tuck Jump

Commonly Asked Questions About Half Burpees

What Is A Half Burpee?

Half burpees are also known as down ups. They are similar to a full burpee but instead of lowering your chest to the floor, you stay in a full plank position as you send your legs out behind you and jump them back in again. Some people choose to omit the vertical jump after you stand up, but we recommend you add the jump if possible to boost fitness and leg strength.

How Many Calories Do Half Burpees Burn?

The number of calories you burn doing half burpees will depend on your body weight (heavier people burn more calories than lighter people doing the same activity). Calorie burn is also impacted by exercise intensity, duration, and rest periods between sets. Half burpees are a high-intensity exercise that use all the major muscle groups in your body, so they burn more calories than moderate cardio.

What Muscles Do Half Burpees Work?

Half burpees are a full-body exercise that work the muscles of your arms, shoulders, chest, core, legs, and glutes, plus the muscles of your upper back as you hold yourself in the plank position.

Half Burpee Tips

  • Hold your core tight when you are in the plank position of the half burpee.

  • Pace yourself so you can complete your target reps of half burpees.

  • When you have built strength and muscular endurance doing half burpees, add in some full burpees.

How To Do A Half Burpee

  1. Start by standing up with your feet hip width.

  2. Put your hands on the floor as you drop into a squat.

  3. Keeping your arms straight, kick your feet out to land in a plank position.

  4. Jump your knees back in under your body, so your feet land outside your hands.

  5. Stand up and perform a vertical jump if possible.

  6. As your feet land from the jump, start another half burpee.

If you’re not sure if any of the above exercises are suitable for you, please consult your doctor before you start it. Need guidance on how to perform the exercise? Ask a personal trainer at your gym.