Pure Gym Limited

One Legged Burpee

What Is A One Legged Burpee?

One Legged Burpee

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One legged burpees are an advanced variation of the burpee that challenges your balance and puts more weight through your arms, shoulders, and chest because you perform the entire rep on one leg, without putting the other foot on the floor.

Like all burpee variations, the one legged burpee is a full-body plyometric movement that is great for working your cardiovascular fitness as well as strengthening the muscles of the arms, chest, upper back, shoulders, and core. This type of burpee will also work the glutes, quadriceps, and hamstrings of the leg that you are standing on.

Because you will be relying on one leg at a time, your balance and co-ordination will be tested more than in any other burpee variation. One legged burpees also challenge your deep core muscles because the movement includes a plank with one foot raised.

One legged burpees can be used in full-body workouts, as a conditioning tool, or as a plyometric exercise to build explosive power. One legged burpees are an advanced type of burpee, so make sure you can do full burpees with good technique before you progress to the single legged version.

Take time to learn good technique for one legged burpees with our tips and technique video below.

Check out some other burpee variations: Burpee, Half Burpee, Burpee With Dumbbells, Devil's Press, Burpee Broad Jump, Burpee To Tuck Jump

Commonly Asked Questions About One Legged Burpees

Are One Legged Burpees Harder If You Are Taller?

If you are taller or have longer legs, you may find one legged burpees more challenging because your height will add more instability when you are on one leg. This doesn’t mean taller people should avoid one legged burpees – performing this exercise can help to improve balance and stability so even if it’s harder initially, you’ll find it gets easier as you practice.

Why Are One Legged Burpees A Good Exercise?

One legged burpees are an advanced burpee that will challenge your balance and co-ordination and work your core and shoulders more than regular burpees. This is because your body has to work harder to stay aligned with one foot off the ground.

Are One Legged Burpees Resistance Training?

Yes, one legged burpees are a form of resistance training that uses your own bodyweight to create resistance. One legged burpees work the muscles of your arms, shoulders, chest, upper back, core, glutes, and legs.

One Legged Burpee Tips

  • Keep your core tight to help your balance and co-ordination.

  • Pace yourself so you can complete sets of several one legged burpees.

  • If you feel your technique slipping, do smaller sets with short rest periods.

How To Do A One Legged Burpee

  1. Start by standing on one foot.

  2. Bend the standing knee and put both hands on the floor in front of your foot.

  3. Keeping your arms straight, kick your feet out behind you, landing in a one legged plank with your core braced.

  4. Jump the same foot back in towards your hands.

  5. Stand up on one foot and perform a vertical jump at the top of the movement.

  6. Perform all the required reps on one foot and then switch to the other leg.

If you’re not sure if any of the above exercises are suitable for you, please consult your doctor before you start it. Need guidance on how to perform the exercise? Ask a personal trainer at your gym.