Pike Jumps
What are Pike Jumps?

Pike jumps are an advanced plyometric exercise that work the lower body, core, and upper body, burns calories, and develops explosive power. Pike jumps combine a vertical jump with a forward pike in mid-air.
Pike jumps are a dynamic plyometric exercise that build cardio fitness, lower body strength, and explosive power. As a cardio exercise, they raise the heart rate, burn calories, and provide a conditioning element to your workout. They also build strength and explosive power in the lower body muscles, particularly the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. The core muscles and hip flexors are worked as you bring your legs up into a forward pike.
Pike jumps are an advanced movement, but once you have learned how to do them they will transfer over into dynamic gym movements like Olympic weightlifting and will benefit a lot of sports outside of the gym.
Pike jumps need a baseline of lower body strength, core stability, and jumping mechanics. If you've got knee, hip or back issues, opt for a lower impact jumping exercise. Try doing pike jumps as lower body power training or as a part of your gym cardio circuit once you have mastered other plyometric exercises. Start with 2-3 sets of 3-5 reps, focusing on explosive power and good form.
Check out some other jump exercises: Box Jumps, Tuck Jumps, Lateral Jumps, Broad Jumps
Commonly Asked Questions About Pike Jumps
To improve your pike jump, focus on mobility through the hips, hamstrings, ankles, and lower back, compression in the core and hip flexors, and build your vertical jump power. Practice explosive plyometric exercises like box jumps and depth jumps, increasing the height as you build strength and technique.
To jump higher on your pike jumps, you'll need to improve vertical power production. You can do this with heavy compound lifts like squats and deadlifts, Olympic weightlifting drills, and plyometric training. Think about driving hard through your heels, fully extending your hips and knees, and maintaining a tight body position in the air.
Pike jumps are an effective cardio and power movement that will increase lower body power, core strength, mobility, and athletic performance. They work the leg muscles, hips, and abs, and develop explosive jumping power. Pike jumps can help improve Olympic lifting, sprinting, and sports that require explosive movements.
Pike Jump Tips
- Hinge at the hips and pull your quads towards your chest in mid air to perform the pike.
- Keep your arms and legs straight during the pike phase.
- Take off and land with bent knees.
How To Do Pike Jumps
Stand with feet hip width, arms out in front parallel to the floor.
Bend the hips and knees slightly to load your leg muscles.
Drive through your feet, extending your hips, knees, and ankles to jump upwards.
As you leave the ground, hinge your hips back and drive your legs up towards your chest.
At the same time, bring your arms down in front to touch your toes.
At the top of the jump, your body should be in a forward fold with legs parallel to the floor.
Untuck your body as you land back down.
Land softly, absorbing the impact by bending your knees and hips.
Pause briefly before doing your next rep.
If you’re not sure if any of the above exercises are suitable for you, please consult your doctor before you start it. Need guidance on how to perform the exercise? Ask a personal trainer at your gym.