Kirsty Alcorn

Kirsty Alcorn

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Specialist areas

Body fat reductionBody confidenceMuscle tone and developmentNutritional guidance


level 3 Personal TrainerLevel 2 Gym Instructor

About me

I have been very into my fitness from a young age (playing football, netball, hockey and dancing), then as I got older sports fell out of my schedule and was then replaced by the gym in 2022. Ever since it has benefitted me in a lot of aspects!

I can help you be more confident in yourself and your body as this was always on my mind before I started, going through this myself and overcoming it is a reason why id love to help others in the same way!

Personal training felt like a no brainer to me which is why I studied and worked hard, which has lead me here to help you! If this sounds like it would benefit you, scan the QR code below and get started with me!

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