Gus Ohlson

Gus Ohlson

Specialist areas

Postural correctionBespoke planWeight lossStrength and conditioningSport specific trainingNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentInjury prevention and rehabilitationFunctional specialistBody fat reduction


Level 4 Sports TherapyNational Level IPF PowerlifterLevel 3 Personal TrainerBody Transformation CoachLevel 2 Fitness InstructorBachelor of Arts Honours Degree

About me

Hey I'm Gus,

I believe wholeheartedly that exercise and fitness have the power to change everyone's life! I've seen it first hand with my clients and personally, it has brought me back from broken bones and chronic back pain to being pain free and the healthiest I have ever been. It has become my passion to help others do the same. I dedicate myself to helping people discover what they are truly capable of and teach them how to feel comfortable and empowered in the gym.

A little about me - I have over 13 years’ experience in resistance training and Strength & Conditioning, I am a National Level IPF Powerlifter and studied Sports Therapy at University.

I use my knowledge and experience to provide the best quality training and guidance possible for my clients, whether we are working on Muscle Building, Toning, Nutrition, Posture Correction, Injury Prevention, Fat Loss Strategies, Strength Building or all of the above.

I love working with all ability levels and ages (it’s never too late to start) and work diligently to help those training with me achieve any goal they have. Designing specific individual programmes that fit in with each person's life, as everyone is unique and therefore needs a unique approach. Whether your goal is to do your first pull up, strengthen your back so you can carry and play with your kids to your hearts content or to enter into your first competition. I'm ready to help you invest in yourself, your health and your future.

Don't hesitate to get in touch with me and book your free consultation!

Contact me