Harry Bailey

Harry Bailey

Specialist areas

Postural correctionBespoke planPersistent motivationWeight lossStrength and conditioningSport specific trainingNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentInjury prevention and rehabilitationFunctional specialist


Level 3 Personal Trainer

About me

Why I want to work with you:

I fractured my spine aged 24. Now at 27, I am stronger, more mobile and more determined than I have ever been.

As a teenager I'd been overweight, unmotivated. I took up conventional lifting to fix these things and in the short term, they did. In my adult life however, I experienced injury that left me unable to walk and unable to comprehend pain free movement, ever again.

Then I found my own variation of hybrid training - and I want to share it with you.

Be in tune with your own body, move the world around you with ease and build levels of tenacity and athleticism previously thought out of your reach.

It's YOUR turn to experience your body as you should - pin free and without limit - learn to Appreciate Movement.

Contact me