强尼 Jonny Brooke

强尼 Jonny Brooke

Specialist areas

Muscle tone and developmentBespoke planFunctional specialistPostural correctionSpecial populations


Level 3 Personal TrainerPre and post natal coaching specialistLevel 3 diploma in Exercise referral NASM Corrective Exercise Specialist 

About me

Personal trainer for 12+ years, 7 in the UK and 5+ in China 拥有 12 年以上健身教练经验,其中曾在中国任职5年。 Experience in training a wide spectrum of people including : youth, the older population, expecting mothers, athletes, people with disabilities, 拥有培训各类人群的丰富经验,包括:青年、老年人、准妈妈、运动员、残疾人、 Research backed programming and help both in and outside of our sessions 帮助学员训练及饮食计划,并在课程内外提供帮助 Multiple 1st,2nd and third places for Deka races. Currently top 3 and top 20 in the whole of China for Deka Mile and Strong respectively. 曾多次获得斯巴达Deka赛事第一、第二和第三名。目前在Deka Mile和Strong的全中国排名中分别位列前三名和前二十名。 Strongman Achievements : China Shenzhens strongest and static monsters Under 80kg 2nd place in 2020,2021 and 2022 大力士成就:中国最强静态怪物大力士比赛80 公斤以下 2020、2021 和 2022 年第二名 Also competitive experience in various obstacle course races and running including HyRox, Spartan Races, long distance running and trail running 还拥有参加各种障碍赛和跑步比赛的经验,包括 HyRox嗨练,斯巴达赛跑、长跑和越野跑。 Whether it’s body fat reduction, increases in strength and lean muscle mass, posture correction, sports performance, pain reduction or simply just moving better and more comfortably I’m confident no matter what YOUR goals are, I can get you there. 无论是减少身体脂肪、增加力量和肌肉质量、矫正姿势、提高运动表现、减轻疼痛还是仅仅只是想更好更舒适地运动,我相信无论您的目标是什么,我都可以帮你达到。

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