Rebecca Holding

Rebecca Holding

Free tasterOnline trainingPT Intro Package

Specialist areas

Pre and post natalWeight lossNutritional guidanceBody confidence


Level 2 Fitness Coach Level 3 Personal Trainer Level 3 Nutrition Coach

About me

Exercising isn't a chore, healthy food isn't boring, and YOU are worth the investment! You are going to be in your body for the rest of your life, so you might as well love it.

My greatest joy is seeing my clients go from strength to strength:whether they want to improve their general health and fitness, feel their best on the beach, or finally do that marathon they've had on their bucket list. The most important bit? I want them to LOVE the process, enjoy every single second, and I want to make sure they never feel alone.

I offer completely personalised personal training programs that encourage independence while keeping you accountable.

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