Nilufer Mehmet

Nilufer Mehmet

Specialist areas

Muscle tone and developmentNutritional guidanceInjury prevention and rehabilitationPostural correction


Level 3 Personal TrainerQuantum Energy HealingReiki Master

About me

My work is a continuous passion to embrace personal development, through training and overall wellness practices. I have over 10 years experience working with various methods of training, wellness practices and continued studies to bring overall a powerful and connective approach to training. I began training in 2013 and soon qualified as a Personal Trainer, I then worked to expand my abilities and by 2019 I was qualified and Coaching with Wellness and Holistic Support for my clients in more depth.

I believe that training is one of the most important and foundational pillars to building our desired lifestyle and gives us the ability to achieve them. Growing mentally and physically each step of the way. With a Coach to guide and assist you, you can achieve more than your vision with unique training programs, nutritional guidance and wellness coaching.

To take the next step on your journey, please feel free to get in touch for a consultation, where we can discuss the next steps.

Qualifications: Level 3 Personal Trainer Quantum Energy Healing Reiki Master

Number: TBC Email: [email protected] Instagram: museinwellness Website: www.oracleofliberty.com

Specialist areas: Muscle Building and Sculpting Nutritional Guidance Muscular Rehabilitation Postural Correction Mindset Coaching Energetics

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