Olly Bogdan

Olly Bogdan

Specialist areas

Bespoke planWeight lossMuscle tone and developmentInjury prevention and rehabilitationBody fat reductionBody confidence


Level 2 Gym InstructorLevel 3 Personal Trainer

About me

Fitness has always been an important element in my life. Having started at the gym at a young age age, I feel I possess the ability to empathise with younger demographics as well as gym beginners who are new but nonetheless determined to achieve their goals. This passion is the basis on which I have built my personal training business.

I hope to be the person for you who wasn’t there for me when I started working out, so come and speak to me today and I’ll put you on the right path!

If you have any questions, feel free to come over and ask or reach out via email , instagram or text! :)

Book with me