Charley Cochran

Charley Cochran

Specialist areas

Body confidenceFunctional specialist


level 3 indoor cyclingLes Mills Body Pump InstructorLevel 2 Gym InstructorLevel 3 Personal Trainer

About me

Hey I am Charley!

I am very passionate about living my life the happiest and healthiest I possible can. This is why I have chosen to make a career in coaching so I can help other people from all walks of life live thier own lives the happiest and helthiest they possibly can!

For me being a "fit" person isn't just about coming to the gym... Being a fit person is about balanced nutrition, exercising in a way that you enjoy and take time to rest and recharge!

If you stuggle to piece together all those areas of your life that's where I come in! Together we look at what changes and routines we can realistically implement into your life so that you can be the happiest anf healthiest you have ever been.

I want to give you the tools so that one day you do not need me anymore!

If you see me around the gym, I am always more than happy to help with any questions/ queries you may have. Drop me a wee message or DM on Instagram.

Peace, Charley x

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