Raina Morris

Raina Morris

Specialist areas

Body confidenceNutritional guidanceStrength and conditioningWeight loss


Level 3 Personal Trainer

About me

I am excited to have joined the team at PureGym. As a PT I want to be as transparent as possible with you all. Sport has been a big part of my life both taking part and being a spectator. My life changed dramatically in my late teens as one day I was a normal teenager enjoying my life and the next I was confined to a hospital bed so that I could keep my life. From that day my life changed, I had to learn to live with having hidden disability, mentally process what had happened and adjust to the new me. Giving up was not an option so I pushed myself to walk properly again but I was desperate to have something of the old me. Once I was more able I started to go out with friends again and I found myself starting to dance to the music something I had been doing since 4 years of age. Suddenly I had found a piece of me again. I was in my twenties when I truly got into the gym and learnt to weight train. The thrill I got from feeling both physically and mentally strong helped me accept my life with disability and realise I am not damaged goods. My goal is to help females feel both physically and mentally strong, be empowered and to be happy to look in the mirror and say "I LOVE ME".

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