Reuben Hughes

Reuben Hughes

Specialist areas

Strength and conditioningInjury prevention and rehabilitation


level 3 Personal Trainer

About me

I've been a regular at the gym for 7 years, but specifically training for powerlifting for 5 years.

If it's putting on mass onto the bar or the body, I can help. Having had my own fair share of injuries and recoveries, I know what it's like to get back under the bar and feel frustrated that it's not moving how it used to. But, having overcome that, I have attained the knowledge and experience to both prevent and recover from those setbacks.

I specialise in attaining strength goals, but have worked with clients to reach bodyweight and aesthetic goals also. I offer Masterclasses in specific compound lifts for people who want to 'get back on the horse' or make sure they are doing them right. Or join me for bespoke programming to achieve your body recomposition goals. If you see me in the gym, come say "Hi", because I like to see people lifting weights and feeling good doing it Let's celebrate your progress together.

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