Neil Freeman

Neil Freeman

Specialist areas

Strength and conditioningNutritional guidance


Level 3 Personal Training

About me

I have been training in and outside of the gym environment now for 26 years, I was an Amateur Boxer for 9 where the focus was cardio and body weight training and for the past 17 years, I have been playing rugby where my training moved towards strength-based training. I have myself been a full-time single parent to my eldest son who has autism, and now me and my partner have 6 kids between us, 5 at home full time, so I understand the problems with time restraints and fitting fitness around busy lifestyles. My training has always been for 2 reasons 1. My sport and 2. My mental wellbeing. I am a massive advocate for mental health and have qualifications in counselling skills and mental health first aid, and the benefits of training to improve both your physical and mental wellbeing. Like most people I have had my own struggles with low mental wellbeing, and I know how much the gym has helped me. I still get gym anxiety myself, so I completely understand the nervousness coming into the gym, so always feel free to come and have a chat with me.

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