Fahed Rammo

Fahed Rammo

Free tasterOnline training

Specialist areas

Strength and conditioningWeight lossSport specific training


Gym Instructor Level 2Personal Trainer Level 3

About me

I started my gym journey 3-4 years ago. My path was filled with challenges like depression, having no one to guide me, feeling like I was being judged by others and mainly being under weight . Now that I have overcame those challenges, I decided to help others who have the same challenges I have had, so I became a PT. Training for about 4 years has allowed me to enhance my knowledge within the gym floor as well as learning from the mistakes I made during my journey. I have gained around 12 Kg of muscle mass within the first two years which was quite challenging for me without the necessary support. This experience has helped me develop my speciality in body composition progression. I also have 7 years of football experience, so I can help you reach your sports goal as well. Using my experience, I want to help you build your confidence on our gym floor, overcome gym anxiety and achieve your personal goals. Whether it’s building an aesthetic physique, muscle gain, fat loss, toning up or even enhancing your overall sports performance. Let’s get you on the way to become the best version of yourself. Just drop me a message!

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