Carla Long

Carla Long

Specialist areas

Weight lossPure Lifestyle SpecialistMuscle tone and development


Level 2 Fitness Instructor Level 3 Personal Trainer

About me

Hi! I’m Carla, if you’re looking for me, you’ll most likely find me bouncing around the studio. My career started as a professional dancer at 17 then after travelling around the world I got given the opportunity to teach classes in a local gym and everything took off from there. I have been personal training now for 12 years and had the most wonderful opportunity to help over nearly 300 women on various journeys.

I think it’s very important that we not only focus on our bodies but our mind and souls too, through focusing on looking after ourselves from the inside out and looking at what we do outside of the gym as well as in our sessions my goal is to find your best you, the balanced way. Utilising familiar and finding new ways to move in which you enjoy to focus on longevity and consistency with your journey. Shifting our mindset and changing our relationship with food and fitness from numbers and calories to seeing the reason to move to improve our lives and eating to fuel our bodies to sleep better, have a clearer mind and a much more balanced sense of wellbeing. After taking a 3-year break to have two babies I am back baby, and I can’t wait to get started with you.

So together, let’s find your best you, the balance way.

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