Ebony Fraughan

Ebony Fraughan

Specialist areas

Weight lossMuscle tone and development


Level 2 Group InstructorLevel 3 Personal Trainer

About me

Hello, I’m ebony I’m a personal trainer here at Puregym edge lane and I’d like to share my journey with you. Around 5 years ago I was overweight, unhappy, and lacked confidence. I struggled with myself image and often felt out of place in social settings. This is what sparked me into finding my passion for keeping fit and being strong.

My journey began training martial arts such as Muay Thai and Brazilian ju-jitsu where I found not only a way to get fit but also a community and a source of confidence. I began weight training and for the past 3 years I have dedicated myself to learning and testing ways to train and developing my knowledge before I finally felt ready to pass that onto others.

Not only is my passion keeping myself in shape and at my best I also get to help others who are in the same shoes as I was once in. I want to inspire you to become the strongest version of yourself both in and out of the gym. To finding a healthy balance between fitness, social life, and sustainable habits. I believe in creating routines that are not only effective but enjoyable and maintainable in the long run.

I’m here to support you, guide you and show you that it is possible to feel your best every single day. Together we can build a lifestyle that promotes strength, confidence, and overall wellbeing.

I'm always happy to help wherever and whenever!

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