Joel Donaldson

Joel Donaldson

Free tasterOnline trainingPT Intro Package

Specialist areas

Body confidenceBody fat reductionWeight lossMuscle tone and development


Level 3 Personal Trainer Level 2 Group Trainer

About me

As a personal trainer passionate about transiorming lives, I understand the struggle firsthand. From challenges of the bodies image to self-confidence. I've faces my own struggles along the way and found a way to balance my training making it part of my daily practice and bettering my lifestyle.

My Journey has taught me the importance of persistence, self-compassion and a balanced approach to health. I bring that same understanding and empathy to each of my clients, guiding you through your fitness challenges with personalized programs designed to build strength, confidence and a positive mindset.

Together, we'll not only reach your fitness goals, but also create lasting changes that improve your overall lifestyle, both physically and mentally.

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