Dan Alleyne

Dan Alleyne

Specialist areas

Weight lossStrength and conditioningNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reduction


BSc Strength & Conditioning ScienceLevel 5 Soft Tissue Therapy & Sports Massage DiplomaGP ReferralNutrition & Weight ManagementUltimate Fat LossAdvanced Resistance Training

About me

Are you new to the Gym? Not too sure what to do? Failing to see any results? Or are you just tired of doing the same old workouts day in day out?

If you’ve answered YES to any of these questions, then I’m here to help.

Hi, my name is Dan and I’ve been an Exercise Professional for the past 12 years. During that time, I’ve had the pleasure of training a wide range of clients including:

  • Ladies looking to get in shape for a wedding
  • Runner’s training for a half marathon
  • Guys and girls preparing for Military Training
  • Clients wanting to improve their overall Quality of Life
  • Members looking to shed a few extra pounds and increase their general fitness

Whether it’s Dumbbells, Kettlebells or Bicep Curls, I’ll help you to Squat, Spot and Plot your way to a better Bod, so you can hit the Jackpot. Still not convinced, well then let me depict some of my more interesting bits.

My fitness journey started way back in 2009, when I decided to jump straight into the deep end and join the Royal Marine Commandos (I know right). Needless to say, I sank rather than swam and after 9 months of intense training I left. However, I did pick up some valuable traits that have stayed with me to this day. Afterwards, I kind of found myself at a loose end with no real direction. It was at that time, my fellow gym buddy was completing his Level 3 Personal Training course and suggested that I should do the same. So, I thought about it and decided what the hell and enrolled.

The rest (so they say) is history and since qualifying I’ve worked in multiple environments: from commercial gyms, outdoor parks, clients’ homes and even on beaches in Australia. I’ve also added some extra strings to my bow, like Sports Massage qualifications, Muay Thai training camps and I recently graduated with a degree in Strength and Conditioning Science from St Mary’s University.

The reason why I’m telling you all this is not just to promote myself, but to highlight the fact that we’re all different, with our own fitness backgrounds and goals. With this in mind, I strive to make my sessions with you as personalised, varied and enjoyable as possible, whilst making sure you get a good sweat on (because that’s why we’re here, right).

So, what are you waiting for!!!! Don’t Hesitate, get on your Skates and I guarantee to make you feel Great. You can even bring a Mate.

I’ll see you on the gym floor.

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