Vanessa Oseikwame

Vanessa Oseikwame

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Specialist areas

Weight lossMuscle tone and developmentBody confidenceBody fat reduction


Level 3 Gym Personal Training Les Mills Zumba/Dance First Aid

About me

My greatest fitness achievement is losing 5 stones in less than a year, entirely on my own. This journey began in June 2023 when I started attending Zumba classes and doing occasional cardio workouts with a friend. It was then that I decided to take control of my life by prioritizing fitness and nutrition over my 9-5 job.

Committed to showing up for myself every day, I focused on staying consistent with my fitness goals, no matter how big or small. Having navigated the challenges of this journey alone, I understand the discipline and consistency required to succeed. Now, I specialize in helping others achieve weight loss, reduce body fat, and embrace fitness through dance.

Your fitness journey starts with you—show up for yourself every day, and watch your life transform.

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