Clayon Stewart

Clayon Stewart

Specialist areas

BoxingWeight lossStrength and conditioningSport specific trainingMuscle tone and development


Level 3 Personal TrainerBoxingTRX TrainerPower Plate instructorIndoor cycle instructorNutrition Consultant

About me

I have been in the fitness industry for over 15 years, I was a professional boxer around the world, and I was also on the British Kendo Team.

Sports have played a massive role in my life, and I now want to pass my knowledge on and help as many people as possible.

I love leading beginners towards their personal victories. We’ll work smart and hard to achieve your fitness goals.

Working in an office environment all day?

Together we’ll reverse the effects of a static environment and give you the pleasure of greater mobility. Your CORE is your key.

Train with me and attain:

  • A mind as well as body refresh, YOU talk, I listen, We plan.
  • Meticulous record keeping. Before and after images to mark your progress and keep you motivated.
  • With genuine regard for your well-being, above every goal you have for yourself, your health will remain the top priority.
  • A lifestyle that works for you.

Contact me