Layla Berrada

Layla Berrada

Specialist areas

Bespoke planWeight lossBody fat reductionBody confidence


Level 2 Fitness InstructorLevel 3 Personal Trainer

About me

Hi I’m Layla! I’ve been in the fitness industry for four years; however, I’ve always had a fitness background. I grew up with gymnastics, competing nationally and coached it from a young age up until I was 18, so teaching people has always been my passion.

In 2020 I took my own body through a personal transformation, so trust me, I’ve been in your shoes before.. I know exactly what it’s like to not be where you want to be. Since then, I’ve helped multiple women reach their desired goals, it’s my mission to help more women INCLUDING YOU!

I assure you I can get sustainable results, whether that be for weight gain/loss or gaining definition.. all through tough love, pushing you to your limits whilst having fun! No silly diets, no restrictions, just hard work and good food!

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