Vanessa Omosigho

Vanessa Omosigho

Specialist areas

Persistent motivationWeight lossStrength and conditioningBody fat reductionBody confidence


Level 2 Gym InstructingLevel 3 Personal Training

About me

My fitness journey began with consistency, commitment and courage to myself.

Breaking the cycle of self-sabotage I decided to do my best to commit to my health, be consistent in supporting my wellbeing, whilst building courage to face every challenging day.

I was able to improve myself as an individual and not be afraid to mess up because I knew that that was the only way I was going to learn and implement my lessons so I can be who I am today.

Achieve what you thought was impossible by believing in your own ability to succeed no matter what! I am here to assist you on your fitness and wellbeing journey, to build your confidence in the gym, and to empower you through exercise/movement.

As a result you will be feeling and looking the best you have ever been!

When you see me around the gym feel free to say Hey!

Contact me