James Stott

James Stott

Free tasterOnline training

Specialist areas

Body confidenceBody fat reductionWeight lossMuscle tone and developmentNutritional guidance


personal trainer level 3Royal Marines CommandoUK Ironman triathlete

About me

I've trained my whole life. My Military Career spanned 14 years, operating in all corners of the Globe, including active tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as Arctic Warfare and Jungle training.

My main focus is on health and wellness as a lifestyle. This means training hard, but also looking after your body, mind and soul.

I want to help those wanting to develop, physically, mentally and spiritually.


Britains Got Talent - professional magician Oxygen Advantage Advanced Breathwork Instructor Surf Coach

  • Blending physical strength with mental mastery - Your fitness journey will have the discipline of a Royal Marine and the mental sharpness, focus and resilience of a professional magician -

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