Haris Hussnain

Haris Hussnain

Specialist areas

Body confidenceWeight lossPersistent motivationMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reduction


Level 3 Personal Trainer

About me

Hiya everyone! I’m Haris, one the Trainers here at Puregym Newport. What I’m really here to do is help people fall in love with their bodies again and hold them accountable on their journey. Who I work with I'm particularly interested in working with couples, families and seniors. Although, I'm happy to work with anyone who has a dream. My life before Puregym Unlike most trainers. I previously had a difficult time with sports in School. You would find me skiving PE lessons (because I thought I was cool) and because everything was about being competitive, putting down others and perpetuating inequality. Which I don't agree with. I believe everyone should get the opportunity to excel at something and I’m here to champion everyone to the finish line. Outside the gym In my spare time I do sporty things. I like to do aerial fitness with poles and hoops. Thid is something not many men do so I would definitely recommend that guys try it out. The history behind both is what got me into them. I also go on runs and like taking pictures with my camera.

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