James Jarman

James Jarman

Free taster

Specialist areas

Weight lossNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reduction


Level 2 Fitness InstructorLevel 3 Personal Trainer

About me

So what has brought you to the gym?

Smaller jean size?

Being healthier for yourself and your family?

Stronger so you can move the sofa without breaking a sweat?

Look and feel good?

Whatever it is I can help you achieve this. I became interested in fitness as I suffer from a condition called Pectus Excavatum which causes my rib cage to be abnormally shaped. This hasn’t stopped be being stronger, fitter and healthier.

With me you will get varied workouts suited to you, the cardio will be fun but challenging and you will hurt after each session but enjoy the feeling.

We will work hard and play harder.

I will give you all the tools to make your reason to come into the gym a reality.

Come say 'Hi', I don’t bite.

Contact me