Zaakira Khatun

Zaakira Khatun

Specialist areas

Postural correctionBespoke planPersistent motivationWeight lossStrength and conditioningNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reductionBody confidence


Level 2 in Gym InstructingLevel 3 in Personal Training

About me

conditioningI understand first hand how difficult it is to feel soready for change, yet not know exactly how to put itinto practice...I’m here to help you.Having had personal struggles with body image andmental health in the past, I only used gym for respiteuntil I came to the realisation that a progressingfitness journey will manifest in all aspects of yourlife in all of the best ways. I’m now a strong andhealthy girl and I can get you there too!The mind and body work as a unit, and my holisticapproach works to empower every aspect of you tokeep pushing for a better and healthier you. I alsopay crazy attention to detail (it’s the scientist in me)so no stone is left unturned in your training!As a scientist I’ve seen how unhealthy habits canchange your body behind the scenes and that’s why Ido my very best to encourage you all to set goalsand be the most powerful versions of yourselves. I’mconscious of the underrepresentation of women’shealth in the fitness world, and consistently work oneducating myself so I can deliver effective help andcreate a safe and inclusive space for women infitness.Let’s take the route to your goals with discipline, abeaming smile, and a bespoke training programmefrom me!

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