Jaimie Mills

Jaimie Mills

Specialist areas

Bespoke planPersistent motivationWeight lossNutritional guidanceBody confidencePre and post natal


Level 2 Gym InstructorLevel 3 Personal TrainingLEVEL 3 PRE & POST NATAL

About me

Hey! My name is Jaimie

My mission as a coach is to help my clients improve their overall quality of life. Whether your goal is fat loss, building muscle, building confidence in the gym or improving your overall health and fitness, I can help. 

Since becoming a personal trainer, I’ve worked endlessly on improving my coaching to provide the best service possible. I am now a registered nutritionist, specializing in woman’s health, relationships with food and body image. I want to help those who have been on every fad diet or have been dieting for a long period of time to ensure this is the last diet you go on. Weekly Check-ins will allow us to work together to tailor my services completely to your needs, setting these weekly goals will allow you to build lifelong habits that fit in with your lifestyle and values. It’s also a great way to keep you accountable and get the most out of your time with me.

Every client will get access to my fitness app where you’ll find your program, nutrition goals and habit trackers as well as instruction videos for each exercise taken in Puregym Stirling as well as access to an info hub with recipe ideas and lots of information PDFs!

Yes, it’s going to be hard work but I hope I can make it a fun and rewarding experience for you.

I offer a range of packages including 1-1 (1,2,3 times per week or every fortnight), partner or group sessions and online coaching. Just give me a message and I’ll send over my enquiry pack which includes more details.


Contact me