Sam Dyke

Sam Dyke

Free tasterOnline trainingPT Intro Package

Specialist areas

Strength and conditioningNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and development


L3 Personal Trainer

About me

Hey there! Allow me to introduce myself…When I first started my fitness journey over 5 years ago, I realized that it can be confusing and overwhelming with all the information there is out there. All these different workout plans, exercises, and diets never really feel like they were made for you. Well, the truth is, that’s because they weren’t! Over the years through trial and error, I’ve discovered how to personalize & adapt training to be fun, effective & unique to your situation which is what leads to the best results. This means I can build your training around your personal life, not the opposite, so that the process is sustainable & enjoyable to make training a hobby rather than a chore. I love helping others & allowing them to reach this same relationship with training.

If this is something you’d be interested in, then chat with me on the gym floor (I’m very friendly I promise) or get in touch. We will talk about your situation & what our working together would look like!

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