Pure Gym Limited




  1. This agreement commences once you have indicated your acceptance in the Declaration section of the web sign up process.
  2. In some locations you can choose to delay the start date of your membership by up to 1 month. If you want to bring this date forward, please contact us at [email protected] and we will be more than happy to discuss your options. Please do note, however, that the terms in the Money Back Guarantee section of these terms may then apply in that situation.
  3. This agreement will become binding on you and us when we contact you to confirm your membership application has been accepted, at which point a contract will come into existence between you and us.
  4. You will be entitled to all the rights and privileges set for the Type of Membership chosen.
  5. You cannot transfer this agreement to anyone else


  1. The Joining Fee (if one is payable) and first month's membership fees are collected from you by us either by Debit / Credit card at time of purchase, or by Direct Debit approximately 5 working days from your membership application date. Joining fees are applied to cover the initial administration costs associated with setting up a new membership and direct debit agreement and entitle the member to an induction session, bookable online.
  2. If you are looking to upgrade your membership there maybe an admin fee charged at the point at which you upgrade.
  3. Your second Direct Debit for monthly membership fees only will be collected one month after you joined, unless you joined prior to your gym opening in which case they will be collected one month after the gym opened. Subsequent Direct Debits for monthly membership fees will be collected monthly thereafter. Each payment made is not refundable under any circumstances.
  4. If any Direct Debit is returned unpaid or if any other form of payment is not honoured for whatever reason, you shall pay us on demand an administration fee of £20. If, despite us having notified you of a missed payment, further payments are missed, we reserve the right to, at our sole election, either suspend or terminate your membership, upon having given you written notice of our intention to do so. We may present an option to reduce the administration fee if the outstanding amount is paid online within 7 days of becoming due.
  5. You agree to advise us immediately of any change to the Members Details provided.
  6. A monthly charge is applied if you freeze your membership. Your membership can be on freeze for a maximum of 3 months after which your membership will automatically be un-frozen and will revert to your monthly rate. Freeze only applies to monthly memberships and will start from your payment date. Please be aware this must be actioned at least 4 working days prior to your payment date.


  1. From time to time we may need to increase the price of membership. We will give you at least 1 full months' notice of any incoming price increase and will make it very clear when the price increase will take effect and how much your membership will cost after the increase. During this period, you will have your usual right to terminate your membership in accordance with the membership terms and conditions and rules. If you do not terminate the membership by the date given to you in the notice, then the price of your membership will be increased in accordance with our notice.



  1. You may terminate your membership at any point by cancelling your direct debit with your bank, allowing 4 working days for the bank to action this. Please call Member Services for options available to you or for any further information.
  2. In the above circumstances your membership will remain in force until the day before your next payment is due, at which point it will automatically terminate.


  1. If you have purchased a Fixed Term membership you will be entitled to 50% of the pro rata'd amount as refund for any unused membership.
  2. You cannot freeze your membership on fixed term membership.


  1. As per the Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013 you are entitled to cancel your membership and receive a full refund of any fees paid within 14 days of completing your membership application form. However, as per regulation 36 of Consumer Contracts (Information, Cancellation and Additional Charges) Regulations 2013, if you select to commence your membership immediately, or you ask us to start your membership early, you agree that if you subsequently cancel your membership within the 14 day period, you will be refunded any monies paid, less an amount for the membership you have already used commencing from the first day after joining.


  1. Your PIN number / Access Device (defined below) can only be used by you: Your PIN number / Access Device is issued solely for your use, as your membership is personal to you and only covers your use of a gym. You are responsible for keeping your PIN number / Access Device secure and confidential at all times. The PIN number / Access Device remains our property at all times (unless agreed otherwise and evidenced in writing).
  2. Use of PIN numbers is monitored: In the interests of the safety and security of all our members, use of PIN numbers and access is monitored and individuals using PIN numbers / Access Devices may be asked to provide proof of identification.
  3. What we will do if we think your PIN number / Access Device has been misused: Should we believe that your PIN number / Access Device has been used by another individual or individuals we may (in our discretion) decide to conduct an investigation. If we do so we will: (a) inform you, via email, that we believe your PIN number / Access Device has been used by another individual or individuals and ask you to provide us with reasonable assistance to investigate the matter; and (b) following our investigation we will contact you, via email, to inform you of our findings and our proposed course of action, which may include one or more of the steps set out in paragraph 4 below.
  4. Our Right to make additional charges and/or cancel your membership: If you unreasonably refuse to cooperate with our investigation, or following our investigation we have reasonable grounds to believe that your PIN number was used, with or without your knowledge and/or consent, by another individual or individuals, depending on the particular circumstances of each case, we reserve the right to take one or both of the following steps, which are in addition to any other legal rights that we may have : (a) to apply a penalty charge to your membership fees (and increase your direct debit payment(s) accordingly).  The penalty charge will be calculated as being equal to the price of a day pass (that applied at the time of use) for each occasion on which your PIN number was used by that individual/those individuals; and/or (b) in the event of serious misuse of your PIN number, for example, your PIN number has been used on repeated occasions and/or by more than one individual, to notify you, via email, that we are cancelling your membership with immediate effect, and no refunds will be given.
  5. Your responsibility for another's conduct: If we have reasonable grounds for believing that you knowingly provided your PIN number / Access Device to another individual or individuals, or allowed unauthorised entry following your entry to the gym (Known as tailgating) in addition to our rights referred to in paragraph 4 above, we may hold you responsible for the conduct of the individual(s) while on our gym premises, and liable for any loss we suffer as a consequence of that conduct.

Access Device: the device, key-fob, or any other relevant security hardware device with built-in authentication equipment, issued or otherwise provided to you by us to enable you to securely access the relevant gym in accordance with the terms of your membership. Only one device can be registered to an account at any time, if you lose or misplace the device you need to contact member services to remove the device immediately.



  1. This daily membership commences once you have indicated your acceptance in the Declaration section of this web sign up process.
  2. Your membership will be activated on the date you specified, running till midnight of the specified date.
  3. You will be entitled to all the rights and privileges exercisable for the Type of Membership chosen.
  4. You cannot transfer this daily membership to anyone else nor transfer to another date.
  5. Day passes are non-refundable.


  1. You shall be entitled to cancel your daily membership the earlier of: (1) 14 days after the date of purchase; or (2) the day before the date on which you selected your daily membership to activate. If you cancel during this period, you will receive a full refund. After this period the daily membership fee is not refundable.



  1. Members must be 16 or older.
  2. You agree to comply with the Rules of Membership which are displayed prominently in the Club and relate to opening hours, use of facilities and your conduct. We may make reasonable changes to these Rules at any time provided that we give you advance notice of the change.
  3. If we take no action or let you off any breach of this agreement or give you extra time to pay or comply, it will not stop us enforcing the terms of this agreement strictly at a future date.
  4. Under 18 years policy: In line with industry guidance members under the age of 18 must comply with our Under 18 Policy.  Members under the age of 18 are not permitted to attend group exercise classes, workshops, or inductions.
  5. We may assign the benefit of this agreement and our rights thereunder to a third party on notice to you. Your rights under this agreement will not be prejudiced.
  6. There may be occasions where we have to close all, or part of, the gym of which you are a member. We will do our best to let you know of such closures in advance of them taking place, unless the problem is urgent or an emergency. We will use all commercially reasonable endeavours to ensure that such closures are outside of peak visiting hours and are kept to a minimum, in both duration and frequency. You will not be entitled to a refund of part of, or all of, your membership fees in such circumstances.
  7. We will not be liable or responsible for any failure to perform, or delay in performance of, any of our obligations under these terms that is caused by any event that is outside of our reasonable control.
  8. We will not be liable or responsible for outstanding monies paid to a Personal Trainer. Personal Training is arranged directly with the PT and not with Pure Gym Limited.
  9. As a consumer, you have legal rights in relation to any services that are not carried out with reasonable skill and care, or if the materials we use are faulty or not as described. Advice about your legal rights is available from your local Citizens' Advice Bureau or Trading Standards office. Nothing in these terms will affect these legal rights.
  10. This agreement is governed by English Law.
  11. We may terminate this agreement with immediate effect on notifying you if you are in breach of the Clubs Rules.
  12. To the best of your knowledge and belief you are in good health and not knowingly incapable of engaging in either active or passive exercise and that such exercise would not be detrimental to your health, safety, comfort, wellbeing or physical condition. Further, that you will advise us immediately should your circumstances change.


  1. We are a company registered in England and Wales. Our company registration number is 06690189 and Our registered office is at Town Centre House, Merrion Centre, Leeds LS2 8LY. Our registered VAT number is 165 8808 68.
  2. If you have any questions or if you have any complaints, please contact us. You can contact us by e-mailing us at [email protected]
  3. If you wish to contact us in writing, or if any clause in these terms requires you to give us notice in writing you can send this to us by e-mail to Pure Gym Limited at [email protected] We will confirm receipt of this by contacting you by email.


  1. To view our Privacy Notice click here.


As a PureGym member, you have the opportunity to purchase premium group exercise classes at selected centres. You can see the specific gyms in the App.

To be able to buy and book group exercise classes, members must be over 18 years old.

  1. All chargeable classes must be paid for at the time of booking. If cancelled 24 hours before class starts credit will be added to your account.
  2. Members must arrive promptly for class start times; late arrival may result in being refused entry to the class.
  3. Members are recommended to book in advance to ensure that a class has space for them.
  4. Bookings for chargeable classes are for over 18 only.
  5. If you do not turn up to a class booking a cancellation policy will apply.

Payment Terms:

  1. All bookings for chargeable group exercise classes must be paid for in advance.
  2. Payments can be made via credit card/debit card/online payment portal.
  3. No spot in the class is confirmed until full payment has been received.

Non-Refundable Policy:

  1. All payments for chargeable group exercise classes are non-refundable.
  2. Once a payment is confirmed, refunds will not be issued for any reason, including but not limited to: change of mind; inability to attend due to personal circumstances; scheduling conflicts.
  3. This policy applies regardless of the amount of notice given prior to the class date.

Cancellation Policy:

If you cancel:

  • A booked class before 24 hours of the class, we will add credit back to your account to book another class.
  • A booked class within 24 hours of the class the booking will be considered used, and no refunds, rescheduling, or credits will be issued.

If PureGym cancel:

  • A specific class, you will be given the option to be transferred to another class of the same value or receive a full credit to your account towards future bookings.
  • All classes in the gym you have bought classes to, a refund will be processed within 7 working days to you.

Booking Rights:

  1. Members must arrive promptly for class start times, late arrival may result in being refused entry to the class.
  2. Members are recommended to book in advance to ensure that a class has space for them.
  3. Bookings are non-transferable to another person or account.
  4. PureGym reserves the right to modify class schedules, including instructors and formats, without notice. These changes will not entitle attendees to a refund
  5. The Group Exercise amount is valid for a 2 months period, and will not be refunded it not used.


  1. PureGym Ltd reserves the right to end any promotion without warning at any time.
  2. From time-to-time PureGym may offer a prize award as part of a survey.
  3. There is one prize allocated to be won for a specific survey, and one winner will be drawn at random from all who have completed the survey within the time-period specified in the survey invite.
  4. The Prize is not transferrable or redeemable for cash.
  5. By participating in a survey and prize draw you acknowledge receipt of our Privacy Notice (insert link), and give consent to PureGyms use of your personal data provided trough your survey participation.
  6. Any prizes offered by PureGym must be claimed within 21 Days of announcement of the winners. PureGym have 45 days to issue any prize
  7. All Gym challenges are subject to fair play which is managed in club. Any recorded reps or times must be verified and signed off by a PureGym team member.
  8. Pure Gym reserve the right to redeem any prize in the form of a voucher or pre purchased credit.
  9. Zero Joining Fee offers exclude pre-opening offer gyms.


  1. Day passes are subject to a fair use policy. 1 pass per person, multiple passes may be cancelled without warning.
  2. Free passes have no resale value, and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other product or service.
  3. Passes must be used on consecutive days
  4. Free passes should be booked to start before the advertised expiry date. Any passes set for redemption after this date may be cancelled without warning.
  5. This daily membership commences once you have indicated your acceptance in the Declaration section of this web sign up process.
  6. You will be entitled to all the rights and privileges exercisable for the Type of Membership chosen.
  7. You cannot transfer this daily membership to anyone else nor transfer to another date.
  8. Day passes are non-refundable.


  1. Discount is available to verified UNiDAYS members only and is non-transferable. Student fixed-term membership discount is based on the cost of standard monthly (Core) memberships. All student memberships are subject to PureGym's membership rules and terms and conditions. Available at open clubs only and exclusions may apply. Discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer and does not apply to any classes or other services that they may offer for sale from time to time. PureGym reserve the right to terminate this discount without notice.
  2. Rolling monthly memberships can be cancelled at any time, and multiple gym access is available to purchase.
  3. Fixed term student memberships can be terminated early by contacting PureGym Member Services, and you will be refunded 50% of the remaining membership period. Discount to fixed-term student memberships is for single club access only and must be used at the gym selected when setting up this type of membership.
  4. Free multi gym access outside of term time is available to eligible students signing up via Unidays.

Outside of term time multi-gym access will be made available during the following dates, with eligible students able to access all open PureGyms during these times

  • 16th Dec 2024 - 12th Jan 2025

  • 31st March 2025 - 27th April 2025

  • 23nd June 2025 - 7th September 2025

PureGym withhold the right to amend or remove this offer at any time.


  1. Offer valid for the next 31 days and must be claimed by this date.  
  2. Offer must be claimed using the unique promotional code received by via email.  
  3. Offer is only valid to those members who have received an email from PureGym. 
  4. You will still be charged the normal Core price for the month you have Plus for free.
  5. Once your month of free Plus membership is complete you will automatically roll onto a Plus membership. To change back, head to your profile section and change your membership back. 
  6. If at the time of upgrade you are paying a lower monthly rate for your CORE membership than the gym's current price, and then you decide to downgrade your gym membership will increase by £1. 
  7. PureGym withholds the right to amend this offer at any time 
  8. Offer is only available at selected gyms and cannot be used elsewhere or exchanged for cash. 
  9. The offer will not be able to be claimed by Members on: 
  10. 'Price for life' membership 
  11. Paid in full members 
  12. Corporate memberships 
  13. Off Peak memberships 
  14. Anyone who joined on an offer that was 30% or more less than the standard join price at their gym e.g.  recent 50% off offers. 
  15. Existing Plus members cannot downgrade to then get a month for free 

PureGym Feedback Survey - Prize Draw (closed CRM) Wednesday 5th February 2025 Terms & Conditions

  1. Only entrants aged 18 years old or older as of the date they submitted their response to this survey will be included in the prize draw.
  2. The value of the prize is the equivalent value of an annual membership to a PureGym club of your choosing.
  3. You will be entered into a draw to receive 1x one-year PureGym annual membership. There is 1x membership available to be won.
  4. This membership cannot be transferred, exchanged or redeemed for cash or any other alternative prize.
  5. The winner will be picked at random and notified by email no later than 28th February 2025. By participating in this survey, you agree to allow PureGym to contact you via email to notify you if you have won. Please note that we will only contact the winner and cannot contact those who did not win.
  6. If you win, you will have 30 days from the date you receive notification from us via email to claim your prize. Full details of how to claim will be included in the email the winner will receive.

Promotion Ended - 50% Off for First 3 Months + £0 Joining Fee (closed CRM) Terms & Conditions

  1. Offer can be used with Direct Debit monthly membership product only.
  2. Offer valid until 23:59 8th February 2025 and must be claimed by this date.
  3. Offer must be claimed using the promotional code.
  4. Offer cannot be transferred to another person.
  5. This offer cannot be converted into a cash prize.
  6. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with another offer.
  7. Offer cannot be exchanged for cash or any other product or service.
  8. PureGym withhold the right to amend or remove this offer at any time.
  9. Start date can only be delayed up to 7 days.
  10. The following gyms aren’t eligible for this offer: Wolverhampton Bentley Bridge, Bournemouth the Triangle, Oxford Templars Shopping Park, Leeds Thorpe Park, Birmingham Longbridge, Folkestone, Crayford, London Leytonstone, London Hoxton, London Streatham, London Palmers Green, London Sidcup, Haywards Heath, Maidenhead, Chertsey, Rushden, Sheffield Crystal Peaks, Stockton-on-Tees, Selby, South Ruislip, Crawley, Sittingbourne Retail Park, Washington, Lanark, Wantage, London Swanley, Worksop, Glasgow Rutherglen, Bishop Stortford, Guildford Town Centre, London Bethnal Green, London Ealing Broadway, Hartlepool, Newcastle Westerhope, Hull Clough Road, Alton, Neath, Ebbw Vale, Uxbridge, London Beckenham, Alfreton, Brentwood, Droitwich Spa, Market Harborough, Harwich, Craigavon Rushmere Retail Park, Kendal, Oswestry, Letchworth, Frome, Havant, Guiseley, Luton Retail Park, Aberdare, Antrim, London Mitcham, Keighley, Winchester, Bridgend, Diss, Stamford, Aberdare.

Promotion Ended - 30% Off for First 3 Months + £0 Joining Fee (closed CRM) Terms & Conditions

  1. Offer can be used with Direct Debit monthly membership product only.
  2. Offer valid until 23:59 10th February 2025 and must be claimed by this date.
  3. Offer must be claimed using the promotional code.
  4. Offer cannot be transferred to another person.
  5. This offer cannot be converted into a cash prize.
  6. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with another offer.
  7. Offer cannot be exchanged for cash or any other product or service.
  8. PureGym withhold the right to amend or remove this offer at any time.
  9. Start date can only be delayed up to 7 days.
  10. The following gyms are eligible for this offer: Manchester Spinningfields, Sheffield City Centre South, Birmingham West, Belfast St Anne's Square, Birmingham City Centre, London Wandsworth, Cardiff Central, East Kilbride, Coventry Skydome, Gateshead, Halifax, Glasgow Shawlands, Portsmouth Commercial Road, Nottingham Basford, West Bromwich, Milton Keynes Winterhill, Wolverhampton South, Leeds Regent Street, Lincoln, London Colindale, Plymouth Alexandra Road, Preston, Leeds City Centre North, London Ilford, Glasgow Charing Cross, London Putney, Mansfield, Stoke on Trent East, Aberdeen Kittybrewster, Bradford Thornbury, Coventry Bishop Street, Motherwell, Bradford Idle, London Canary Wharf, Northolt, Birmingham Snow Hill, Southampton Central, London Shoreditch, Colne, Manchester Market Street, Ipswich Buttermarket, West Thurrock, Manchester Eccles, London Charlton, Sunderland, Lisburn Laganbank, Canterbury Sturry Road, London Limehouse, London Park Royal, Birmingham Beaufort Park, Dunfermline, London Croydon, Cambridge Grafton Centre, Exeter Fore Street, Birmingham Arcadian, East India Dock, London Whitechapel, London Camden, Nottingham Castle Marina, London Hayes, Bromsgrove Retail Park, Romford, London Angel, London Bank, Kirkcaldy, Wisbech, London Monument, Canterbury Wincheap, Bournemouth - Mallard Road, London – Twickenham, Edinburgh Craigleith, Manchester Cheetham Hill Retail Park, London Stratford, Sheffield Meadowhall, London Feltham, Redditch Ringway, Dagenham, Dewsbury, London Wood Green. All other gyms are excluded from this offer.

Promotion Ended - 50% Off for First 3 Months + £0 Joining Fee (closed CRM, selected gyms) Terms & Conditions

  1. Offer can be used with Direct Debit monthly membership product only.
  2. Offer valid until 23:59 10th February 2025 and must be claimed by this date.
  3. Offer must be claimed using the promotional code.
  4. Offer cannot be transferred to another person.
  5. This offer cannot be converted into a cash prize.
  6. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with another offer.
  7. Offer cannot be exchanged for cash or any other product or service.
  8. PureGym withhold the right to amend or remove this offer at any time.
  9. Start date can only be delayed up to 7 days.
  10. The following gyms are eligible for this offer: Southampton Bitterne, Rochdale, Oldham, Blackburn The Mall, London Beckton. All other gyms are excluded from this offer.


Promoter: This challenge is organised by PureGym Limited (“PureGym”).


  1. The challenge is open to all active PureGym members in the United Kingdom.
  2. Participants must be aged 18 or over.
  3. Employees of PureGym or its affiliates, and their immediate family members, are not eligible to enter.

Challenge Period: The Heart Month Bingo Challenge will run from 1st February 2025 to 28th February 2025 (the “Challenge Period”).

How to Enter:

  1. Participants must complete a full house on the Bingo for the Beat card during the Challenge Period.
  2. Upon completing a full house, participants must fill in their details on the back of the Bingo card and submit it at their participating PureGym.
  3. By submitting your details, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.


  1. There are four prizes available: four (4) prizes of a six-month PureGym membership and four (4) prizes of £200 vouchers.
  2. Prizes must be claimed by 31st March 2025.
  3. Prizes are non-transferable and no cash or other alternatives will be offered.

Winner Selection:

  1. Winners will be selected at random from all valid entries received during the Challenge Period.
  2. Winners will be notified by 14th March 2025 via the contact details provided on their Bingo card.

Claiming Prizes:

  1. Winners must respond to PureGym’s notification within 7 days to claim their prize.
  2. Failure to respond within the timeframe may result in forfeiture of the prize, and a new winner will be selected at random.

Data Protection:

  1. By entering, you agree that PureGym may process your personal data for the purpose of administering this challenge and awarding prizes in accordance with its Privacy Policy.
  2. Your details will not be used for marketing purposes unless you have provided separate consent.


  1. Day passes are subject to a fair use policy. 1 pass per person, per month. Multiple passes to the same client may mean your 5 passes per month will be cancelled without warning.
  2. Free passes have no resale value and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other product or service.
  3. Guest pass can only be used once per day.
  4. Guest passes can only be used at the trainer's home club.
  5. You cannot give passes to other trainers. The unique code is assigned to each PT.
  6. Guest passes should be booked to start before the advertised expiry date. Any passes set for redemption after this date may be cancelled without warning.
  7. Your clients will be entitled to all the rights and privileges of a standard guest pass user.
  8. The pass needs to be redeemed for the day the client wants to attend the Gym, so if they redeem it on the Monday but want to attend on the Tuesday, they need to make sure they select the correct date. Date of usage cannot be changed once redeemed.  
  9. Clients cannot transfer their guest passes to anyone else nor transfer to another date once the date has been selected.
  10. Guest passes are non-refundable.
  11. Please note: if clients are visiting from overseas and use an international phone number, they will receive an email only.


  1. The winner will get vouchers for the value of a iPad 32gb WIFI
  2. There will be one winner nationwide selected quarterly
  3. The potential winner will only be selected from those who received the relevant email communication. You do not have to complete the survey to be entered
  4. The winner will be selected at random
  5. The prize will be emailed and cannot be exchanged for a cash prize
  6. The prize will be redeemed via Apple Vouchers
  7. PureGym withholds the right to remove or amend this prize at any time


  1. Members must be 16+ to join.
  2. Lower membership price charged for specific amount of months called out on join page. Price will increase automatically to price specified on join page after this. 
  3. PureGym withholds the right to change or remove the offer at any time.
  4. This offer cannot be converted into a cash prize.
  5. Offer cannot be transferred to another person.
  6. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with another offer.


  1. Members must be 16+ to join.
  2. PureGym withholds the right to change or remove the offer at any time.
  3. This offer cannot be converted into a cash prize.
  4. Offer cannot be transferred to another person.
  5. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with another offer.


Please note there is a 20 minute cooling off period after each use.

PLUS - FIRST MONTH FREE - new members

Offer is only valid for 1 month

Once your month of free Plus membership is complete you will automatically roll onto an Plus membership. To change back, head to your profile section and change your membership back

Offer is only valid to members on a direct debit membership

PureGym withholds the right to amend this offer at any time

Offer is only available at selected gyms and cannot be used elsewhere, or exchanged for cash.

The offer will not be able to be claimed by Members on:

  1. 'Price for life' membership
  2. Paid in full members
  3. Corporate memberships
  4. Anyone who joined on an offer that was 30% or more less than the standard join price at their gym e.g. the October or recent 50% off offers
  5. Existing Plus members cannot downgrade to then get a month for free

£0 joining fee terms & conditions (Vitality members only)

  1. Offer can be used Direct Debit monthly Plus membership product only.
  2. Offer valid from 1st January 2025 until 23:59 28th February 2025 and must be claimed by this date.
  3. Offer cannot be transferred to another person.
  4. This offer cannot be converted into a cash prize.
  5. PureGym withholds the right to amend or remove this offer at any time.


  1. Offer can be used with Direct Debit monthly membership product only.
  2. Offer valid until 23:59 10th February 2025 and must be claimed by this date.
  3. Offer cannot be transferred to another person.
  4. This offer cannot be converted into a cash prize.
  5. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with another offer.
  6. Offer cannot be exchanged for cash or any other product or service.
  7. PureGym withholds the right to amend or remove this offer at any time.
  8. The start date can only be delayed up to 7 days.
  9. Offer only available at the following gyms: Aberdeen Kittybrewster, Belfast St Anne's Square, Birmingham Arcadian, Birmingham Beaufort Park, Birmingham City Centre, Birmingham Snow Hill, Birmingham West, Bournemouth - Mallard Road, Bradford Idle, Bradford Thornbury, Bromsgrove Retail Park, Cambridge Grafton Centre, Canterbury Sturry Road, Canterbury Wincheap, Cardiff Central, Colne, Coventry Bishop Street, Coventry Skydome, Dagenham, Dewsbury, Dunfermline, East India Dock, East Kilbride, Edinburgh Craigleith, Exeter Fore Street, Gateshead, Glasgow Charing Cross, Glasgow Shawlands, Halifax, Ipswich Buttermarket, Kirkcaldy, Leeds City Centre North, Leeds Regent Street, Lincoln, Lisburn Laganbank, London - Twickenham, London Angel, London Bank, London Camden, London Canary Wharf, London Charlton, London Colindale, London Croydon, London Feltham, London Hayes, London Ilford, London Limehouse, London Monument, London Park Royal, London Putney, London Shoreditch, London Stratford, London Wandsworth, London Whitechapel, London Wood Green, Manchester Cheetham Hill Retail Park, Manchester Eccles, Manchester Market Street, Manchester Spinningfields, Mansfield, Milton Keynes Winterhill, Motherwell, Northolt, Nottingham Basford, Nottingham Castle Marina, Plymouth Alexandra Road, Portsmouth Commercial Road, Preston, Redditch Ringway, Romford, Sheffield City Centre South, Sheffield Meadowhall, Southampton Central, Stoke on Trent East, Sunderland, West Bromwich, West Thurrock, Wisbech, Wolverhampton South.


  1. Offer can be used with Direct Debit monthly membership product only.
  2. Offer valid until 23:59 24th February 2025 and must be claimed by this date.
  3. Offer must be claimed using the promotional code.
  4. Offer cannot be transferred to another person.
  5. This offer cannot be converted into a cash prize.
  6. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with another offer.
  7. Offer cannot be exchanged for cash or any other product or service.
  8. PureGym withhold the right to amend or remove this offer at any time.
  9. Start date can only be delayed up to 7 days.
  10. The following gyms are not included in this offer: Aberdare, Alfreton, Antrim, Aylesbury, Bishop Stortford, Blackburn The Mall, Bournemouth Mallard Road Retail Park, Bournemouth the Triangle, Bridgend, Bridgwater, Cardiff Western Avenue, Chertsey, Craigavon Rushmere Retail Park , Crawley, Diss, Dungannon, Ebbw Vale , Epsom, Falkirk, Folkestone, Frome, Glasgow Rutherglen, Glossop, Guiseley, Harwich, Havant, Horsham, Inverness, Keighley, Knaresborough, Leeds Thorpe Park, London Beckenham, London Ealing Broadway, London Hoxton, London Mitcham, London Palmers Green, London Sidcup, London Streatham, Luton Retail Park, Market Harborough, Newcastle Westerhope, Oxford Central, Purley, Romford, Selby, Sheffield Crystal Peaks, Sittingbourne Retail Park, Stamford, Uxbridge, Wantage , Winchester, Worksop, and any other gym not yet open.


  1. Offer can be used with Direct Debit monthly membership product only.
  2. Offer valid until 23:59 3rd March 2025 and must be claimed by this date.
  3. Offer must be claimed using the promotional code.
  4. Offer cannot be transferred to another person.
  5. This offer cannot be converted into a cash prize.
  6. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with another offer.
  7. Offer cannot be exchanged for cash or any other product or service.
  8. PureGym withholds the right to amend or remove this offer at any time.
  9. The start date can only be delayed up to 7 days.
  10. The following gyms are not included in this offer: Aberdare, Airdrie, Alfreton, Antrim, Aylesbury, Basingstoke, Bishop Stortford, Blackburn The Mall, Blackwood, Bournemouth Mallard Road Retail Park, Bournemouth the Triangle, Brentwood, Bridgend, Cardiff Western Avenue, Chertsey, Craigavon Rushmere Retail Park , Crawley, Crewe Grand Junction, Diss, Droitwich Spa, Ebbw Vale , Epsom, Falkirk, Folkestone, Frome, Glasgow Rutherglen, Glossop, Guiseley, Hartlepool, Harwich, Havant, Horsham, Inverness, Keighley, Kendal, Kirkcaldy, Lanark, Letchworth, Llanelli, London Beckenham, London Ealing Broadway, London Finsbury Park, London Hoxton, London Leytonstone, London Mitcham, London Palmers Green, London Sidcup, London Streatham, London Swanley, Loughborough, Luton Retail Park, Market Harborough, Neath, Newcastle Westerhope, Newhaven, Northampton Weston Favell, Oxford Templars Shopping Park, Plymouth Derriford, Purley, Romford, Selby, Sheffield Crystal Peaks, Shepton Mallet, Sittingbourne Retail Park, South Ruislip, Spalding, Stamford, Stockton-on-Tees, Uxbridge, Wantage , Washington, Wickford, Winchester, Worksop, and any gyms not yet open.


  1. Offer valid until 23:59 9th March 2025 and must be claimed by this date.
  2. Offer must be claimed using the promotional code.
  3. Offer cannot be transferred to another person.
  4. This offer cannot be converted into a cash prize.
  5. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with another offer
  6. Offer cannot be exchanged for cash or any other product or service
  7. PureGym withhold the right to amend or remove this offer at any time.
  8. Day passes are subject to a fair use policy. 1 pass per person, multiple passes may be cancelled without warning.
  9. Free passes have no resale value, and cannot be exchanged for cash or any other product or service.
  10. Passes must be used on consecutive days
  11. Start date can only be delayed up to 7 days
  12. This daily membership commences once you have indicated your acceptance in the Declaration section of this web sign up process.
  13. You cannot transfer this daily membership to anyone else nor transfer to another date.
  14. The following gyms are excluded from this promotion: Aberdare, Alfreton, Antrim, Bangor Northern Ireland, Basingstoke, Bishop Stortford, Blackburn The Mall, Blackwood, Bournemouth Mallard Road Retail Park, Bournemouth the Triangle, Brentwood, Bridgend, Cardiff Western Avenue, Chertsey, Craigavon Rushmere Retail Park , Crawley, Diss, Ebbw Vale , Falkirk, Folkestone, Frome, Glasgow Rutherglen, Glossop, Guiseley, Harwich, Havant, Haverhill, Horsham, Keighley, Kirkcaldy, Letchworth, Llanelli, London Beckenham, London Ealing Broadway, London Hammersmith Palais, London Mitcham, London Palmers Green, London Sidcup, London Streatham, Loughborough, Luton Retail Park, Market Harborough, Newcastle Westerhope, Northampton Weston Favell, Selby, Sheffield Crystal Peaks, Shepton Mallet, Sittingbourne Retail Park, Stamford, Stockton-on-Tees, Uxbridge, Wantage , Washington, Welling , Wickford, Winchester, Worksop, and any gym not yet open.


  1. Offer can be used with Direct Debit monthly membership product only.
  2. Offer valid until 23:59 17th March 2025 and must be claimed by this date.
  3. Offer cannot be transferred to another person.
  4. This offer cannot be converted into a cash prize.
  5. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with another offer.
  6. Offer cannot be exchanged for cash or any other product or service.
  7. PureGym withholds the right to amend or remove this offer at any time.
  8. The start date can only be delayed up to 7 days.
  9. The following gyms are included in this offer: Bangor Northern Ireland, Birmingham Longbridge, Bridgwater, Brierley Hill, Bristol Abbey Wood Retail Park, Bromsgrove Retail Park, Cardiff Gate, Chatham, Denton, Dewsbury, Dudley Tipton, Durham Arnison, East Kilbride, Edinburgh Craigleith, Exeter Fore Street, Fareham, Glasgow Charing Cross, Glasgow Silverburn, Haverhill Retail Park, Leeds City Centre North, Lincoln St Marks Centre, London Acton, London Bermondsey, London Bow Wharf,London Camberwell NR, London Camberwell Southampton Way, London Camden, London Fulham, London Hammersmith Palais, London Lambeth, London Oval, London Putney, London Swiss Cottage, London Tottenham Court Road, London Woolwich, Manchester First Street, Manchester Spinningfields, Newport Wales, Nottingham Castle Marina, Ormskirk, Peterborough Serpentine, Plymouth Alexandra Road, Poole, Portsmouth Commercial Road, Redditch Ringway, Sheffield City Centre South, Southampton Bitterne, St Albans, Stockport North, Stockport South, Stoke on Trent East, Telford, West Thurrock, Wisbech.