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Aaliyha Charles

Fitness and sports have been apart of my life for as long as I can remember. I started playing football and done athletics from a very young age. What can I say? I love fitness.

Yes! I have a great passion for fitness. However, Its much more than just fitness. Having a healthy lifestyle, being the mind and body (internally and externally) is something I have really strived to have for myself. On my journey, I have done a load of learning about myself, growing as a person and most importantly, I FEEL AMAZING!

It made me want to help others feel amazing too. The journey can be hard when it comes to having a healthy lifestyle. Composing mental stability, going to the gym, eating right, having down time for yourself, the list goes on. Being a personal trainer allows me to coach, motivate, and assist individuals smash their goals and get results edging them closer and closer to that healthy lifestyle they seek for themselves.

I want to help you be the best version of you, for you.

Specialist Areas

  • Body confidence
  • Body fat reduction
  • Muscle tone and development
  • Nutritional guidance
  • Strength and conditioning
  • Weight loss


  • Level 3 Personal training
  • Level 3 Sports massage therapy
  • Level 2 fitness instructing
  • Introductory Kettlebells
  • First Aid
  • Group cycle/Spin