Aaron Jiacoumi

Aaron Jiacoumi

Specialist areas

Nutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentFunctional specialistBody fat reduction


Level 3 Personal TrainerLevel 2 Fitness InstructorWeight and Nutrition Management

About me

Having served for nearly 5 years in the British Army, my experiences have pushed me harder and further than I could ever imagine. I've spent many years building my nutrition and high-intensity training skills.

I have spent many years building my nutrition and and high-intensity training skills through courses, my experiences and the challenges i have completed.

I know the common problems of poor relationship with food, drink and lack of knowledge on nutrition and training.

I can help you with training, nutrition, habits and education. Support & accountability from me on a daily/weekly basis, there is no reason we can’t reach your goals.

so if your looking to build muscle, drop body fat or get fit, get in touch.

Let's get started and stop waiting for the perfect time, it won’t come!!!

Contact me