Alex  Pigg

Alex Pigg

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Specialist areas

BoxingWeight lossStrength and conditioningSport specific trainingMuscle tone and developmentInjury prevention and rehabilitationFunctional specialistBody fat reductionBody confidence


L3 Personal TrainerL3 Sports MassageL4 Performance EnhancementL4 Nutrition CoachL1 BWL Olympic Lifting

About me

Having nearly 10 years of experience working in fitness, I’ve found the best ways to help you be able to achieve your goals, as well as making your movements efficient and functional. Whether it’s performing to a higher level in sport, getting stronger, becoming leaner, or just feeling good in your own skin, I can help.

Having a background in competing in Athletics, Cricket and American Football, and trained amateur and national level athletes across a variety of sports, I bring a competitive mindset to help you get the best out of every rep.

I've helped countless people find their way through their gym journey, helping them get bigger, stronger, leaner or fitter and I'm ready to help you next!

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