Kalebas Simavicius

Kalebas Simavicius

Free taster

Specialist areas

Postural correctionBespoke planPersistent motivationWeight lossStrength and conditioningMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reductionBody confidence


Level 3 Personal TrainingFirst Aider qualifiedLevel 2 Fitness InstructorLevel 3 Premier Global NASM PT qualifiedLevel 3 Strength and Conditioning coach

About me

My 8+ year fitness experience began with my own fat loss journey, where I went from 126kg to 91kg (a 35kg loss). I worked to build up muscle to get my body to a healthy and strong point, which resulted in me not only feeling strong and active, but having great fitness too.

I’ve learnt that improving strength and lifting correctly will use your body-fat through the output of calories. It will also keep your joints strong, improve your flexibility and help you live a long and healthy life.

My experience helping clients train and work towards their goals has been very effective, as well as something that they can really enjoy too! My aim as a Personal Trainer is to make sure that your goals are met, evaluated and improved; Simple!

Before committing with me a COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATION is offered. Here we will discuss your goals & decide how I can best help you and how we can begin your fitness journey together!

Through my work as a PT my clients have not only achieved great results, but gained significantly more confidence in themselves, found an enjoyment and passion towards fitness and enjoyed happiness and a mental release. I have continued to experience this through my own journey and so do many of my clients. As a client I can promise you that I will support you 24/7, not just in our training sessions.

What can I offer you as a PT?

Bespoke 1 to 1 as well as 2+ / group personal training sessions ( hourly/half-hourly)

Regular reviews as well as consistent check ins to make sure you don’t drift away from your goals

24/7 Message/WhatsApp support for any queries and advice

Dietary and nutrition tips offered - tried and tested to support both fat loss and muscle gain

Tailored workout training routines planned specifically for you.

Contact me