Louis Graham

Louis Graham

Specialist areas

Persistent motivationWeight lossSport specific trainingMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reductionBody confidence


Level 2 Gym InstructorLevel 3 Personal Trainer

About me

Hey, I’m Louis!

Through my years of being a personal trainer specialising within muscular development and body fat reduction, I’ve come to understand the differences between an individual’s goals - ensuring that the right steps are put into practise so my clients get there. The core foundations of my personal training services entail structured and efficient sessions. In addition, I aim to upskill your knowledge, ensuring that you’re further educated regarding fitness as a whole and areas within.

In the dynamic environment of a commercial gym, I ensure my clients have a supportive atmosphere where they’re provided with goals for both the short and long term. Progression isn’t just quantitive, but qualitative where I always stress the importance how of fitness can improve your quality of life, how your body functions day to day and the positive impact on not just your physical but mental wellbeing too.

If you’re interested in working with me, feel free to contact me via text or email. I’m a massive people person and I’m looking forward to coaching you!

Contact me