Most soft-drink-obsessed countries in Europe: Revealed
The high levels of sugar found in soft drinks continues to hit headlines globally and with the UK recently introducing a sugar tax, where do they rank in terms of annual soft drink consumption and which countries come top for gulping down the fizzy pop?
PureGym has researched which countries in Europe consume the highest amounts of soft drinks and what, if anything, they are doing to reduce it.
The map below shows the average amount of soft drink (litres) consumed per person in the 26 European countries researched annually.
Germans consume an average of 423 cans (330ml) per person a year, that’s the equivalent of over 2.5 litres a week. Despite topping the list, there is no sugar tax currently in place and no plans in the immediate future.
The Greeks consume the least at 145 cans per person annually.
The only country in the top five to have introduced a sugar tax is Belgium, who introduced a health tax in 2016.
Ranking in seventh place, research shows Brits consume 322 cans per person a year, the equivalent of just over 2 litres a week.

How does Europe measure up when compared to the rest of the world?
As highlighted, South American countries including Argentina and Chile rank highly for their soft drink consumption. With Argentinians topping the list, consuming the most soft drink on average per person – 155 litres a year, which equates to 460 cans or 77.5 two litre bottles of pop. The USA come in a close second, consuming 154 litres annually.
For further information on the countries included, view here.
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