Enrico Solinas

Enrico Solinas

Free taster

Specialist areas

Weight lossMuscle tone and developmentFunctional specialist


Level 2 Gym InstructorLevel 3 Personal Trainer

About me

Hi, I'm Enrico,

I’m passionate about the human body and the many ways in
which it functions.

I believe that movement is a much larger spectrum than we
are taught and by allowing ourselves to explore and
understand it, we can truly take care of our health.

Before moving to Personal Training, I took part in a course of
myofascial release and structural integration called Rolfing
where I learnt about anatomy, posture and movement
dynamics in order to understand how a body can move
harmoniously and effortlessly in space.

My curiosity also led me to participate in a Yoga teaching
course, where I’ve deepened my understanding about the
philosophy and meaning of body awareness.

I have gathered a lot of knowledge about food, training,
movement and health which will help me provide my clients
with an all-encompassing support when it comes to personal

I’m here for you to learn how to better function, create
better eating habits, and to help you include movement
training into your routine in a way that feels good for you.

My program will be specific to your own needs and
accustomed to best promote your potential.

If you have any questions or doubts or want to have a little
chat don’t be shy, come and say hello.

Contact me