Joanne Watson

Joanne Watson

Specialist areas

Weight lossNutritional guidanceMuscle tone and developmentBody fat reduction


Reps Level 3 Personal TrainerLevel 2 Gym InstructorHND in Professional Stage Dance

About me

I have always had a passion for fitness from a very young age - from swimming to skiing, you name it! I ended up training and working as a professional dancer for 4 years on cruise ships before making the leap into personal training. I became a personal trainer to help women learn how to fuel their training and nutrition properly - this is something I wish I had done when I was first starting out. As a woman, the gym can be such a daunting place - especially as a beginner. This is where I can help. I am here to give you all the tools to succeed - we will learn how to create intensity with your training, correct form and technique whilst lifting and work on nutritional and lifestyle habits to help create a sustainable and healthy change!

We don’t need to punish our bodies with endless cardio and restricting the foods we love. Training and exercise should be fun! I can help switch your mentality towards your training and food because at the end of the day - life should be about living longer, healthier and happier. Not living on constant diets and hating what we see in the mirror. Let me help you make that switch.

Change starts from within, are you ready to feel more confident? Message me today to book a free consultation. Let’s make this year, your year!

Contact me